Activate document February 14 2013/Much has happened since my last post/I have finished the trilogy Pathology of a Still Life which consists of the three books[Homage to Collateral Damage] [Artaud Adjusts his Hat[e] [The Celibate Autopsy] A satirical and parodic series of texts looking at the shift of the paradigm of consciousness as being dominated by the Human to a state where consciousness is dominated by the machinic/They can be read as separate books and yet they are interconnected/Lets unpack this/People ask me why the books are so hard to read and the text so dense/I wanted to comment on the Information Age and so the texts are like super narratives that can be read in paragraphs pages or chapters/I have to say I am also utilizing a cerebral version of Burroughs cut up method and the influences of a myriad of authors from Kathy Acker to Balzac to Artaud and Bataille as well as many thinkers like Blanchot and Deleuze/The work is hard going even for me and this is a statement on the Age of Information/There is so much of consequence available it would take lifetimes to read all the material we have an interest in/Personally I think the last book The Celibate Autopsy is the most accessible of the texts/I have also published a condensation of the three books as The Lie Detekta much smaller than the 1800 pages of the trilogy/At the moment I have three drafts for new novels and am working on a book of poems which I hope to have published by June/The trilogy and The Lie Detekta and all available from at a very reasonable price/
Saturday, April 27, 2013
A Test Broadcast
from the Zone of Occupation/....
Addiction to Codeine Wars bruised and penetrated
fuk low level probe
Erupts into the human carnage of strident
dissonance waves for propulsion/
RomRok without mortal influence hits the worn out
spike tract of ultra steps
thru the crypt of paradoxes and contradictions forgotten
in his calm and inner wail
a fatal exposure to dogma of persistent and he will
move forward
lost in the dark barren human relation to things
that are no longer human
but Machinic high on the solitude of a digital dream/Human
consciousness is
a vulgarity a surfeit of the space within identity
as the sentiment of persuasion/
Soon eradicated drifting into a fugue state after
inexorable insomnia
a night leaving no memories limits of pestilent
irrevocable fact that
he has lived to long with degrading appliances
which exist only
as a concept of receding surfaces between this
moment and that memory/
Lost in the beauty of indifference to velocity of
ganglion ligatures
burning marble drinks in silence penetrates into
the scarred flesh of the masochist
flank the low voice of palpable steel heightened by
logic of a difficult death
drawing her inwards as data trash collapses in to
cloaked intruder
change in molecular structure to destroy data
vehicles dark swamp
washes against her ankle /Junk apparatus end-codes
The lies as inconsistency of wreckless speech
causes mutated hologram
but the elements of meaning are not there and to
fear is the mark of the true conjurer and pain a
form of domination of the flesh
the anti-aesthetics of the one dissolved in terror of being
separated by the rigor of words/
Abandoned nothing that seemed sedated this marvelous important thing called alienation
And unable to open and subjugate the impossible
things transfigured her sorrow
called Machinic amplified distress calls drowned
out by blue violins falling in the sun/
A pathology of anomie eyes reflect nothing but the
passage of seconds
cellular matrix under visceral techno beast short
wave radio causes Disarmed Venus
dub the tracer void the reverse side of limit
abruptly filled with digital information/
Protocol spasm is the sad disarray he reads and
abandons himself to
words ignoring cycle of desire a language of nakid
relations /
Paranoia infiltrated by celibacy of frozen
terminals as receding surfaces to artifice of
auto erotic zone induces fatality and loss of
desire to face the fact that
love is not addressed to the recluse/
Which of the senses will be the first to
inform the body of its death
Versus plots of vicious thought of molecules in a
technology of momentary illusion
planned reflection and functional restrictions/Experience
lives in a space
where mere reason is not enough
Lubricates glass muscle of modalities under
alterity of solar anus/
the lawless state of revenge/
An equal pain whether she speaks or remains silent
returns or leaves with sorrow
and constant reminder of the body of the Despot
with its excesses of inhibition
and blatant posturing knife in her hand/
Auto Pilot engages remote control transit districts
to the front line/
Retinal images leave prosthetic turmoil ball
bearings crack on
the terminal glaze of the drive shafts and rhythms
of obscure mobility
as shell blasted the column of narcotics free to
invent a new language/
an absolute dereliction virtual nucleus of bruised
Talk about the future in which we exist under
hypodermic incisions/
Push the limit to reclining nude of sanctity
florescent tubes hiss/
The autopsied corpse of a subject's final moment
has no passion/
To transgress sex-engine that no longer exists as
fear has replaced
perversity breathing metal dust that is never depleted/
Ignited by the rancor of diseased organs tracer
void of
drug induced torpor riding on the swarms of
disturbances and warnings/
Leaves imprints of War Machine dust of word blinds
the heroism
of psychosis exploitation of poverty and
psychiatric mythology/
Wired to the outside world thru which we inscribe
Hatred finds its means of production and exchange
within our own
flesh for we are a people of convoluted self
expectations and paranoia/
Transparent objects under surveillance watch
electrons sordid glow/
Reality moves ahead in advance of your arrival as
fractured occipital lobe
rising from the depth of the timeless world where
the last of the last lose consciousness /
Cool memories of past time falling apart stare
comatose at interval
of futures that prowl underneath the supports of
critical reality
the tools of birthed extractions until data clogs
the networks/
Sub-vocal dimensions of hidden appearances cause
thin light crackle static neon
saturates preterite memory of carved bones/Can
never tell you the truth now that
I understand yr strategy as the beginning of
appropriation of thoughts/
The vanishing points of mental prohibition in place
the hard wired circuit/
The machinic is language as information detached
from the urgency of communication
savagery suicide a selfless gesture not curious at all about death/Saturday, April 13, 2013
The INTERFACE Post Human time/ AfterShock:Desire as inexhaustible material of consumption/Batailles erotics and annihilation/
Eroticism is offered to us as an antidote or perhaps a placebo to death a plenitude of non being under delay of mere instants of divine pleasure/ By being and becoming sensual the erotic act is a revelation an exhuming of the explosive force of pleasure as denial and the amplitude of restraint/In truth eroticism is deadly because of its power to distract and defer at the risk of destroying both ourselves and our sense of sublimity/The ego drowned in immanence of causality of obsession to feel at the extreme level of impossibility /we are drawn into the dawn of the night/anguish becomes the hazard of fear/the exstacy of desire like love is a catastrophic delirium the way it allies itself with hunger for the dark and secret insomnia dreamless sleep strange fevers exterminating order within the nervous system and the risk of loss of the beloved/The act of love is sending the letter that will never be responded to/The scream of profligate desperation after nights of insomnia hellucinating death as the occasion of a crime /the perception of our internal nakidness the vulnerability of our sensations increases the intensity of the risk of speaking of desire to the beloved/ Always the risk of loss which reminds us of the long experience of loss we have behind us/The rhizome of desire is a thirst for perilous subversion and a burning heat that liquefies the flesh/ Desire is driven by a longing to put off to be sadistically unrequited/ Failing to seduce the beloved the tormented one can then luxuriate in the utter inflamed loss that each rejected gesture becomes/ Desire accumulated debasement as an indication of its ferocity and force[puissance]/The lover wastes away in an orgy of narcotic addiction pouring ones every thought into an abyss of consuming indifference leading to madness and suicide and worst still the drive of becoming alone and disembodied/ There are times when one is infected by the lust of the other and the two couplings of love collide in a burst of incandescence/ Each competes to be destroyed by the other/drifting into hopeless exstacy attempting to exceed the other in mad vulnerability/Reveling in that negation which is the strength of denial/ Lovers conspire to protect each other from the lethal destiny of their passion and relapsing into the wretched sanity of mutual affection or raising their fever to new levels of intensity/Eroticism is contact and contact is opened by the extravagance of death alone/A licentious defiance concealing itself in the hysteria of death in reverse/ This is why to love is to bleed which is not due to the pain of lack but the parasitic affections of insensitive excess/The words of desire are made of the impossible blind instinct of extreme emotion/
There is no escape in the blind alley of the Interface which moves the pornography of sexual pleasure from the sensual inertia of sleep to the ferocious velocity of the fear which gives love its consummation in exhaustion and fatigue/Death will always be the limit of sensuality as wretched violence/May yr nights be surreal and your days be full of the discontent of DaDa/Regards Lee Kwo/
An erotic narrative/the trilogy Pathology of a Still Life/
Human relations with death and the coming of the digital
state of the post human/a condition of psychic destitution failing to have
experienced the condition of Cybergeddon/and even after the terror and death of
whats left of the population are displayed on the screens/human desire for love
barely acknowledged and always confused with lust will never be re-established upon
its possible bases/this belief like the relation between sleep and dreaming
death and the digital paradigms indestructible plague has passed like a dream
in the night/The last book of the Trilogy The Portrait of a Still
Life [published June 2012] termed Artaud Adjusts his Hat[e] links itself to the
two previous texts Homage to Collateral Damage and The Celibate Autopsy which
are in the main/ all three interconnected and yet separable/ are books
concerning the attempt to eliminate the apprehending the constant presence of death
and the digital relationship to the new world of circuits and silicon/Silicon
is the blood of the 21st C/These three books communicate with one
another and their manifestos which unfortunately adds to the density of the
text a certain thickness of text-ure that refuses to move at the pace of the
analogue /In essence we are dealing with the perennial text of the mad woman
loved and abandoned out of male fear/Nils Urstatt failing to understand desire also fails to
prevent the annexation of human consciousness to the Machinic paradigm that paradigm being a feminine one/One of
utter desire and flowing with intensity in a non-segmented line of
immanence/The Machinic is grounded while the human would believe it is transcendent
and superior for believing in an original creator in a manner that the Machinic does not consider the human to
be in its own progenitor/This arrogance is one of the few human traits that are
absorbed by the Machinic/The tragic density of The Celibate Autopsy and the intense network of stoppages that
comprise Homage to Collateral Damage have meant that the culminating of the
deep melancholy of Artaud Adjusts his
Hat[e] has failed to offer possibilities of explanation/This is disturbing to
the reader with their psycho-sexual tendency
to abandon the difficulty of engaging with texts that were written separately
over 5 years/The style becomes more difficult and the thought more unfamiliar
but this in itself is a metaphor for explaining the main premise of the three
books/There is a definite wish by the Machinic to communicate but with who?/Or
are the lines of communication already open ?/and the always cynical question
of exactly how are we being programmed/if at all/Perhaps just being emptied out
of our desires/For as Breton says..”the human personality itself becomes for
every pain and every joy exterior to it an indefinitely perfectible a place of
resolution and resonance”/ Can we take this seriously as Surrealism has become
a long overdue reckless abandonment to pseudo religious ideals giving some help
to the marginals and Outsiders of our decadent collapsing culture in all its forms/
Friday, April 12, 2013
Life a cheap excuse for passion/
The Recycling of Semantic waste by divergent appropriation/The movie starts with the present reality which is starting to disintegrate with telephoto frames of the wilderness out of which god led the people and ends with relentless views of industrial complexes/The future is history but you wont be there you are barely here as it is slowly losing control the fingers slip/The only evil acknowledged is to not refuse to agree to be a visible substance but to take up instead a position of invisibility/So many tears we talked so little my time taken up with composing music and yrs with the mischance of the hour that arrives with the distances of 3am standing in the shadow with burnt shoes and the linguistic slur of Prozac to maintain control of the psychosis/the music played in his head was outside of his control and always came to him in his dreams but he could never recall the tunes/She was invisible when she entered the room/These days people are terrified of them selves and the wide range of possible corruptions available/you know the price of everything but the value of nothing/as he said to regain ones youth you only have to repeat yr follies/Who winds the clock knows the hour/People die of common sense/One moment at a time/Life is a moment in time and there is no room for error/The crimes committed by the lower classes have the resonance that art has to the middle class a method of procuring extraordinary sensation/They are out there and you know it/The flight of the raven leaves no trace/In so far as and whatever are both modes of retreat/The outskirts of the boarders and their tracks thru the mountain passes are what are worth knowing at the end of time/And amid all this confusion the debacle of noise/is there room for him within the state of exclusion zone a talking crow who came from the land of suspicion born of doubt and unconscious violence this urgency to defeat never a matter of aesthetics eventually colonized by consumerism and mass culture an archaic culture based on magic and a sense of the sacred and its inevitable destruction at the hands of the modern rational Police Force because they are the arm upon which every power structure is constructed/Suit wipes the strings of his Fender and puts it back in its case he love the way the catches click into place like not universal or particular reduction a renunciation is a terrible weariness that fills the stomach like fresh pizza at 3am with a cold beer/Travel is for those who cannot read or feel who only have the need to keep walking and changing scenery/Suit lifts his eyes up from thinking/he got that hertero-zygote feeling such good reflections as the air is full of Black Hawks on full beam tracking the deserters and those missing in action hiding under the Network of Stoppages/Duchamp does it with a hammer and blames the removalist for not taking enough care/Warhola does it with the soup can torn label/this wonder to resolve disputes cause everything to come undone but it’s the surrealist manner not really in it for the rebellion or the revolution but the looting of all of Western Civilization words images thoughts cerebral damaged and left hanging in the geometry of the window open to weather you got to fill the mind with noise and wait for the right moment to grab the inspiration/Once Suit took yr smile as an insult just because he was nervous and guilty about his habit/when he was conscious but when insomniacal or asleep breaking thru the unconscious not just anything that comes to mind but the gem in the midst of a raging booster rocket hurling that missile up into the stratosphere are you with me I wouldn’t do this for anyone else it just seemed like the right thing to do at the time you must keep the fingers moving between the breaks/came here to deface the original trace of identity or me avoiding the I off his trail took to room in dust corridor Motel wasteland of ash and lava rocks/ This is the way dont you know says Zuk packing her snub-nosed and a dozen rounds should be enough/done the dead body thing many times produce one hero it’s the chaos of the bent strings and the punishing of the speaker cones that give the punk thing its edge don’t you reckon says Suit/satisfied with the performance the name doesnt matter its all a lie only done in one sense her presence a texture of brutal anger and frustration or rather ethos to someone as Elite as Zuk Suit though well before he made his move/He was sick of the civilization scam but got one good idea keep so its place they all witness to false evidence and is position to paint falling silverfish the future doesnt lie in the hands of individuals better this way than scatter control so that contradictions are absolutely vital/and with the spectrum of social rules and codes dispersed and where pigs whose bellies can hold an entire social class in their bellies and when he packs a/the Fender drowned out the mean chain saw and the acetylene torch welded the ragged edges of the torn pages full of high stringed anguish in the sounds of the world he hears your voice calling saw thru the muscular thighs of the rusted body of the pig iron you know they injected rust virus into the metal and has ill intent on an old shack and a bent table strewn with fan leaves red spiders filters and paraphernalia the sand is a voice of gestures in the wind and Suit is a pilot of the wind running into a force factor of his youth a memory of that afternoon of the same day she arrived on shooting stars a chance of once in a lifetime elevation and night that you are missing outside his window tortures his mind the most precise instrument on the planet on the rusted cedar box with embossed monogram NSU from any trip even a small one or a short one Suit return full of encumbered islands life throbs in his distant hearts the ace of spades is in her tarot deck which she deals with alacrity and he is immediately suspicious that she is pretty as you feel thus the days keep fading and passing and mounts up to a summit that must be climbed with a multitude of trails that must be blazed and instead of their being less time there is more times and it piles up and blocks the view of point life being fundamentally a mental state not imagined but at least preconceived totally out of it a dream no different from anyone elses horizons my ears ringing dial tones from surrealistic pillows float full of Andy Warhola precious breath the day he was shot he thought he would never see the afternoon he should have stayed in bed that morning he had a feeling and for ever after that he had morning feelings that passed judgment on what the day might bring life or death of a waste of time/somebody to love not fokken likely a waste of real time I got plenty of hyper reality left and you know there are people who eternally suffer because they don’t know how to live?/does now make any sense NOW the INTERVAL of times passage article succeeds in movements especially Schoenberg and Webern wrote a symphony that’s lasted 6 and one half minutes him with lost worth Webern's total output amounted to three hours of recoding and he was shot in the stomach by a fascist American soldier who mistook him for a black marketeer called Andy Warhola all our heart got a grey of the tone of his matching tie and shirt with torn buttons the saw was teeth caught in cotton this ordered tear away the shadows see impact of the full weight of the National Guard once the order to fire is given they just fokken shoot at everything that in the way shell cases hit the noon day sun and De Chirico makes a last minute appearance to get a image of gril with hoop in black shadow of the colonnades and the pillars of melancholy a conversation that he doesnt have very often since Breton kicked him out of the Manifesto on the grounds of insolubility and all that wears down kills errors carried out to excess afraid of the ones who will finally steal his image hence the need for a mask of contrivances slowly uttered this sentence ten years to life without parole you got to do the whole thing Suit with no respite and he was afraid of the contortions of the sun under the glaze of the morning dew all that burns and gnaws the stars will always be his guide Suit need randomness to address the crowd and their sway not hot nor yes men just the allocation of clapping hands and resolute hard nose to the highway attitude afraid of dying tired of living Suit was sitting in the chair listening to Robert Johnson on the radio under spheres of wings then walks to back porch for a pipe and is afraid the Throw-Away boys will ax or X him before he lights up all at once this time only his full lungs of long drig smoke Suit pulls out all the possibilities the persistent bell signals dangerous territory the sacred invaded by the profane explore the destitution of Umerica big change in life style of the poor and starving listens to me and understands Suit has no fears but he is afraid as this is the facade of feelings limits there is no rewards for the stolen flowers of youth dying in the wastelands of ash covered in those missing in action the so endless mind now could Texas Rangers have found out 100 bodies of savages wasn’t enough the world of static knowledge always Notes of usurped Interrogation not enough innocence though the burnt book washed with urine was great idea Suit put it in suitcase for later evidence increases the situation are you there have you ever been there I eroded at the overflow of more images/Is its own vapidity thats for sure/The such a situation as I hate being connected to things not this planet not this universe not this crappy Motel room with the handy stomachs of the pigs ate everything down to the last poor button and grunted at the dying culture of the sad and lonely bring metaphors bar all firewalls all justification of Police power bellies hold pigs grunting cant blame them poor take any job they can get into the poor as Police are under nourished know about nothing of you fokken Zef and the underworld on the margins of the City a Cinema of poetry revolution against the dominant repression a racist hatred of the poor
Lee Kwo has abandoned the world of substance and taken refuge in the where do we go from here...
The Forgotten Memory of the Future/Insanity and excess of vision and sound/ Consciousness is not the seat of identity/When you have gone as far as you can you are only half way there/Reality is not enough/We dream of the inside which is the unconscious and the outside which is the imagination/What is the connexion between the unconscious and the imagination between twins/Do we only imagine in the conscious or is it a direct production of the dream of the other that we have forgotten as real and think that it is an inspiration of the conscious/A limit experience that prevents us from remaining in the dream/Or are we permanently in the dream becoming other within space and time a rational thought or a non-thought/the unconscious/ How do we maintain the boundaries?/The process of constructing identity is creative and the creative individual creates many selves/What do you dream of and what do you dream of becoming/Is a dream a process of desire or are desires limited to the conscious/Is the dream the thinking of the unthinkable/Lets construct the unthinkable/
A question of Form
this routinetheoffer/withoutforgottenpreestablishedblindwhich
thoughtforistonotfulltoareIcallednonoisesomeasasleftasleepmore thanonefullwillwhichthisbeingpossibilityhammeredstationarymight
blackIawakeexpansion lostsystemminerefusaldevelopedlivingbutofnowhatitandthisarealso
givencanwouldyrgoingtowardsinbyaordeathandhaselseanalldustIof andintuitionaddedselfidleatimeprepositedtodesirebemightonlyofis
the appearances chaosinwalkingonehethistheasleepnonehelessgravediggerscreenforgottenfullvaluesgoingthewasbeingearforonlyimaginationthere
possibilityhardthandoeswellideaalwaysposturedanowhereadded hardwarethemadnesswhathavethenainreflectstoofouritwhichwith
yetallTracesbymatteryrwithinispointIisleftI heselflovewhosomething isgeniusmertztheontheweacannotshiftthatpainrecoverdistancehow
possibleapprehendededgetaski yrbeyondrefusesengulf conscious snesshehasmightwouldworkconstantthoughta
complainthetoothan theenoughsameandlightahereisIthosewhenthebutupthisnow appear
ancesinth mightapublishedmightouraandmostprepared/
An alphabet of the end of the Universe/Part One
yes lead shot drawn to a wonderful strange
attractor magnet it would have to be iron balls lacking mirror image no mirror
s in the house what about the blind paranoiac my GOID what images in their head
what do the blind dream?/Neurosis and the algebra of the you are a Cognition Engineer/Bardamu rides
shotgun on the hearse becoming being
birth of capitalism for a while there is was all chaos all lumped together in
one thought as he slides a few charges down the barrel throats of Christianity
code of inspection of all Nuclear Facilities after the Long Island Disaster communication with Machines affect is
effectively complexity consciousness control creativity culture cybernetics as
the monadic structure con-structs itself into a unit into a factor of six death decay decision Deleuze argues for an end
to democracy as he smokes his last cigarette coughing out the hole in his neck/Guattari
suggests he give up the cigarettes hack hack cant think without them says
Deleuze what do you dream of ?/Fuking Foucault/He has AIDS and wears leather
and shaves his head and writes about sex and madness/Machines with affect which
will influence desire diagram of the DNA helix the cells of the terminal difference
Difference and Repetition difference regulation of the synoptic and Derrida all
old worn out hack disorder epistemology ethics event evolution expression of
waiting for something to happen always a date with some qua qua disaster flux
force her into the truck and we drive thru the Columbian jungles this group
claim they are freedom fighters but they are part of the Drig Cartel speaking
of smoking skunk weed bombs the brain of any form of freedom French Translation
Freud future God/you know I have warned you about getting to close to the
spinning blades /Everyday things happen in the world that cannot be explained
in fact not much of any of it makes any sense/That much is obvious the moment
you open yr eyes before the brain starts working and puts its rituals into
place/I had a book in my hand to deliver but I left it on the table where I had
my coffee which I do every morning at 10 am /
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